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曾经有多少人挤破头脑去辅导班学习“新概念英语”;曾今有多少人因为没学会“新概念英语”而自卑;曾经一度,会不会新概念英语似乎成了衡量英语水平的尺度。小到“小学生”,大到“研究生”都在学习新概念。 现在您不用发愁了。我们本着为您服务的原则,把新概念课本搬上我们的客户端,在这里您不用担心付昂贵的报名费,每月只需20元钱,就能轻轻松松学习新概念。 课堂上老师不管你能记住多少,他的任务就是讲完这本书。在这里就不一样了,课程的进度完全掌握在自己的手里。如果您底子好,接受的快,就多学点;反之,慢慢来,别着急,您想什么时候学就什么时候学。 学习新概念再也不是什么可望而不可...
A private conversation(免费使用)
Breakfast or lunch?
Please send me a card
An exciting trip
No wrong numbers
Percy Buttons
Too late
The best and the worst
A cold welcome
Not for jazz
One good turn deserves another
Goodbye and good luck
The Greenwood Boys
Do you speak English?
Good news
A polite request
Always young
He often does this!
Sold out
One man in a boat
Mad or not?
A glass envelope
A new house
If could be worse
Do the English speak English?
The best art critics
A wet night
No parking
Football or polo?
Success story
Shopping made easy
Out of the darkness
Quick work
Stop thief!
Across the Channel
The Olympic Games
Everything except the weather
Am I all right?
Food and talk
Do you call that a hat?
Not very musical
Over the South Pole
Through the forest
A clear conscience
Expensive and uncomfortable
A thirsty ghost
Did you want to tell me something?
The end of a dream
Taken for a ride
Reward for virtue
A pretty carpet
Hot snake
Sticky fingers
Not a gold mine
Faster than sound!
Can I help you,Madam?
A blessing in disguise?
In or out?
The future
Trouble with the Hubble
After the fire
She was not amused
The Channel Tunnel
Jumbo versus the police
Sweet as honey!
Persistent .
But not murder
Red for danger
A famous clock
A car called bluebird
The record-holder
Out of the limelight
April Fools' Day
A successful operation
The last one?
By air
The Crystal Palace
Monster or fish?
After the elections
On strike
Never too old to learn
Out of control
A perfect alibi
Trapped in a mine
A slip of the tongue
What's for supper?
Three men in a basket
Asking for trouble
A noble gift
Future champions
A fantasy
The dead return