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听能是理解的技能,在语言学习和交际中与其他三项技能相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项技能训练,切实提高听力水平,培养综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打好基础。同时,听力理解也是中高考听力测试中的重要题型。然而,由于缺乏高质量的训练用书和合理有效的训练计划,听力水平的提高成为很多学生头疼的问题,听力理解成为众多学生的得分难点。为帮助广大学生养成良好的听力训练习惯、有效提高听力理解水平,我们特组织了一批一线特、高级名师编写了这套《快捷英语·听力周周练》丛书,以期通过科学有效的训练安排、足量的听力训练时数和画龙点睛的技巧指导,帮助广大中学生较快地提高听力理解水平。 丛书特点 ...
WEEK 1 My name is Gina. TEST 1 (免费使用)
WEEK 1 My name is Gina. TEST 2
WEEK 2 Is this your pencil? TEST 3
WEEK 2 Is this your pencil? TEST 4
WEEK 3 This is my sister. TEST 5
WEEK 3 This is my sister. TEST 6
WEEK 4 Where's my backpack? TEST 7
WEEK 4 Where's my backpack? TEST 8
WEEK 5 Do you have a soccer ball? TEST 9
WEEK 5 Do you have a soccer ball? TEST 10
WEEK 6 Do you like bananas? TEST 11
WEEK 6 Do you like bananas? TEST 12
WEEK 7 期中测试题 (一)
WEEK 8 期中测试题 (二)
WEEK 9 How much are these pants? TEST 13
WEEK 9 How much are these pants? TEST 14
WEEK 10 When is your birthday? TEST 15
WEEK 10 When is your birthday? TEST 16
WEEK 11 Do you want to go to a movie? TEST 17
WEEK 11 Do you want to go to a movie? TEST 18
WEEK 12 Can you play the guitar? TEST 19
WEEK 12 Can you play the guitar? TEST 20
WEEK 13 What time do you go to school? TEST 21
WEEK 13 What time do you go to school? TEST 22
WEEK 14 My favourite subject is science. TEST 23
WEEK 14 My favourite subject is science. TEST 24
WEEK 15 期末测试题 (一)
WEEK 16 期末测试题 (二)