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本系列丛书是专为想藉由趣味读本自修学好英语阅读、听力的学习者所编写的。 本系列丛书共十二本,涵盖约3,000个常用字,10,000条注释、例句均由本社五位资深美藉编辑及本人所改写,中文编辑译写。无论选题、中文译文及注释,可说是一流的品质、一时之选,因为我们全体工作同仁在编撰的过程中均全心投入,无时无刻都为读者的学习需求所着想。 因此本系列丛书有下列特色: 1.文笔顺畅隽永:时有佳句可供读者模仿,大幅提升读者读、写能力。 2.注释详尽、清晰、扫除文章内容的所有盲点:一本在手,犹如老师在侧,随时为读者解惑。 3.每本书都是由发音纯正的外籍老...
Nello and His Faithful Dog 1-1(免费使用)
Nello and His Faithful Dog 1-2
Nello and His Faithful Dog 2-1
Nello and His Faithful Dog 2-2
Nello and His Faithful Dog 3-1
Nello and His Faithful Dog 3-2
Nello and His Faithful Dog 4-1
Nello and His Faithful Dog 4-2
Sleeping Beauty 1-1
Sleeping Beauty 1-2
Sleeping Beauty 2-1
Sleeping Beauty 2-2
Princess Finola and the Dwarf 1-1
Princess Finola and the Dwarf 1-2
Princess Finola and the Dwarf 2-1
Princess Finola and the Dwarf 2-2
Apollo and Hyacinthus
Hera and lo 1-1
Hera and lo 1-2
Adventures of Odysseus